Host: Becky's Book Reviews (sign up)
Duration: January - December 2017
Goal: To have adults read more picture books. To celebrate the fact that picture books are for everyone! Families are, of course, welcome to join in!
# of books: minimum of 6
Duration: January - December 2017
Goal: To have adults read more picture books. To celebrate the fact that picture books are for everyone! Families are, of course, welcome to join in!
# of books: minimum of 6
Option 2: CHECKLIST (read as few as six, or as many as you like)
Feel free to copy/paste this. You can replace the _ with an X or a ✔ (copy/paste it) when you finish reading a book. If you list the books you read, that may help other people decide what to read.
_ 1. An alphabet book
_ 2. A counting book
_ 3. Concept book: shapes or numbers or opposites or colors
_ 4.a book set on a farm or in the country - Patty's Pumpkin Patch - Read 9/8/2017
_ 5. a book set in the city or in an urban area When a Wolf is Hungry - Read 6/20/2017
_6. a book set at the beach, in the ocean, or by a lake Swan Lake - Read 9/8/2017
_ 7. a book with human characters
_ 8. a book with animal characters Make Way for Ducklings- Read 9/6/2017
_ 9. a bedtime book
_ 10. a rhyming book
_ 11.a book celebrating art - Pig's Eggs- Read 6/27/2017
_ 12. a book celebrating dance
_ 13. a book celebrating music
_ 14. a book celebrating family (parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc.)
_ 15. a book about feelings, expressing feelings
_ 16. a book with a twist (unexpected) ending The Tale of Jemima Puddle Duck- Read 9/8/2017
_ 17. a book about pets (cats, dogs, fish)
_18. a book celebrating libraries or reading Lola at the Library - Read 9/8/2017
_ 19. a book translated into English (originally published in another language/country)
_ 20 Mother Goose related
_ 21 a book about adoption
_ 22 a book by Gail Gibbons
_ 23 a book by Jon Scieszka - The Stinky Cheese Man - Read 3/21/2017
_24 a book featured on Reading Rainbow -Stella Luna- Read 3/21/2017
_ 25 free choice - The Elephant and the Bad Baby- Read 6/27/2017
_ 26out of print - Peppermint- Read 6/27/2017
_ 27 wordless picture book
_ 28 a book by Margaret Wise Brown
_ 29 a board book- Pat the Bunny- Read 3/21/2017
_ 30. a book about trains or planes- The Little Train that Could- Read 3/20/2017
_ 31. a book about cars or trucks
_ 32. a book about starting school
_ 33. a book about friendship (sharing, caring, forgiving)
_ 34. a book about being ME, about being unique, special, loved, etc.
_ 35. a fairy tale
_ 36. a twisted (adapted) fairy tale
_ 37. a book about a holiday
_38. a new-to-you author - Doctor De Soto - Read 9/7/2017
_ 39. a new-to-you illustrator
_ 40. a book about new experiences (dentist, doctor, sleepovers, movies, playing sports, learning to swim, etc.)
_ 41. a series book
_ 42. a book celebrating food (cooking, eating, trying new foods, eating healthy) Benji & The 24 Pound Banana Squash- Read 6/28/2017
_ 43. a book published before 1950
_ 44. a book published in the 1950s Chanticleer and the Fox Read 1/25/2017
_ 45. a book published in the 1960s The Big Honey Hunt: Read 2/9/2017
_ 46. a book published in the 1970s
_ 47. a book published in the 1980s
_ 48. a book published in the 1990s
_ 49. a book published in the 2000s
_ 50. a book published 2010-2016
_ 51. a book published in 2017 Argyle Fox- Read 6/28/2017
_ 52. a book by Dr. Seuss
_ 53. a book by Mo Willems
_ 54. a book by Jan Thomas
_ 55. a book by Eric Carle
_ 56. a book by Laura Numeroff
_ 57. a book by Patricia Polacco
_ 58. a book by Jon Klassen
_59. a book by Beatrix Potter - The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Read 9/7/2017
_ 60. a book by Kevin Henkes
_ 61. a book written or illustrated by LeUyen Pham
_62. a Caldecott winner- The Girl who Loved Wild Horses= Read 1/27/2017
_ 63. a Caldecott honor
_ 64. a picture book biography
_ 65.a nonfiction picture book Little Detectives at School- Read 6/29/2017
_ 66. a book from your childhood - The Enormous Crocodile - Read 6/29/2017
_ 67. a book you discovered as an adult- Meg and Mog - Read 1/28/2017
_ 68. a book celebrating writing, being an author or illustrator
_ 69. a library book
_ 70. an audio book
_ 71. a book about dinosaurs OR dragons
_72. nonfiction book about animals (or animal)-Animals in the Wild: The Wolf- Read 2/7/2017
_ 73. a challenged book OR a controversial book
_ 74.a book that makes you laugh The Duck in the Gun- Read 6/28/2017
_ 75. a book that makes you cry
_ 76. hate the text, love the art - I Like, I Don't Like - Read 3/20/2017
_ 77. love the text, hate the art
_ 78. a book with a great cover
_ 79. a book with an ugly cover
_ 80. a book about toys
_ 81. a book about weather- Rainy Day - Read 9/6/2017
_82. a picture book for older readers- Malala: Activist for Girls Education- Read 2/7/2017
_ 83. a book of jokes, riddles, tongue-twisters
_ 84. a book about seasons
_ 85. a song
_ 86. a poetry book
_ 87. a book by a celebrity
_ 88. a book published in Australia
_ 89. a book published in the UK
_ 90. a book about science or math
_ 91. a book about history or historical event
_ 92. a book about sports
_ 93. a book about celebrating birthdays
_ 94. a book about a President or world leader
_ 95. a book about another country
_ 96. a book celebrating faith
_ 97. a pop-up book, or, a book with cut-outs or flaps or fold-outs
_ 98. a bilingual book
_ 99. a television series that has been adapted to a book - Blue's Rainy Day Music - Read 9/6/2017
_ 100. a book that has been adapted to a television series - Miffy - Read 9/7/2016
_ 101. an adaptation of a myth or legend
_ 102. a book about babies
Feel free to copy/paste this. You can replace the _ with an X or a ✔ (copy/paste it) when you finish reading a book. If you list the books you read, that may help other people decide what to read.
_ 1. An alphabet book
_ 2. A counting book
_ 3. Concept book: shapes or numbers or opposites or colors
_ 4.
_ 5.
_ 7. a book with human characters
_ 9. a bedtime book
_ 10. a rhyming book
_ 11.
_ 12. a book celebrating dance
_ 13. a book celebrating music
_ 14. a book celebrating family (parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc.)
_ 15. a book about feelings, expressing feelings
_ 16.
_ 17. a book about pets (cats, dogs, fish)
_ 19. a book translated into English (originally published in another language/country)
_ 20 Mother Goose related
_ 21 a book about adoption
_ 22 a book by Gail Gibbons
_ 25 f
_ 26
_ 27 wordless picture book
_ 28 a book by Margaret Wise Brown
_ 31. a book about cars or trucks
_ 32. a book about starting school
_ 33. a book about friendship (sharing, caring, forgiving)
_ 34. a book about being ME, about being unique, special, loved, etc.
_ 35. a fairy tale
_ 36. a twisted (adapted) fairy tale
_ 37. a book about a holiday
_ 39. a new-to-you illustrator
_ 40. a book about new experiences (dentist, doctor, sleepovers, movies, playing sports, learning to swim, etc.)
_ 41. a series book
_ 42.
_ 43. a book published before 1950
_ 46. a book published in the 1970s
_ 47. a book published in the 1980s
_ 48. a book published in the 1990s
_ 49. a book published in the 2000s
_ 50. a book published 2010-2016
_ 51.
_ 52. a book by Dr. Seuss
_ 53. a book by Mo Willems
_ 54. a book by Jan Thomas
_ 55. a book by Eric Carle
_ 56. a book by Laura Numeroff
_ 57. a book by Patricia Polacco
_ 58. a book by Jon Klassen
_ 60. a book by Kevin Henkes
_ 61. a book written or illustrated by LeUyen Pham
_ 63. a Caldecott honor
_ 64. a picture book biography
_ 65.
_ 66.
_ 68. a book celebrating writing, being an author or illustrator
_ 69. a library book
_ 70. an audio book
_ 71. a book about dinosaurs OR dragons
_ 73. a challenged book OR a controversial book
_ 74.
_ 75. a book that makes you cry
_ 77. love the text, hate the art
_ 78. a book with a great cover
_ 79. a book with an ugly cover
_ 80. a book about toys
_ 83. a book of jokes, riddles, tongue-twisters
_ 84. a book about seasons
_ 85. a song
_ 86. a poetry book
_ 87. a book by a celebrity
_ 88. a book published in Australia
_ 89. a book published in the UK
_ 90. a book about science or math
_ 91. a book about history or historical event
_ 92. a book about sports
_ 93. a book about celebrating birthdays
_ 94. a book about a President or world leader
_ 95. a book about another country
_ 96. a book celebrating faith
_ 97. a pop-up book, or, a book with cut-outs or flaps or fold-outs
_ 98. a bilingual book
_ 101. an adaptation of a myth or legend
_ 102. a book about babies
First, thanks for joining in! Second, I wanted to let you know that I fixed the checklist. I've added 20-29. I don't know how I goofed up.